Monday, November 5, 2012

Back after a while

Yes, I know, I know it seems like I am picking this blog up right where I left off the last one. How is that you   ask, with good ideas to help but then no posts. I can assure you that is not the case here there has been a lot going on and I have been out of town for a little while for the passing of my grandfather but now things are back to normal and I can start posting some more again. This post is a little off the cuff and being written while on pain killers so I don't know where it is going to go but I hope you will follow me down the rabbit whole.

Cool app I found

First let me tell you about a cool new phone app I found while I was away. It is called Fooducate and it is a great little app. Here is how it works, it is pretty simple, when you are out shopping or at your house all you have to do is open the app and scan the bar code of the food you are about to buy or eat. The app will then give you the healthy grade of the item and if it is not all that high on the list it will offer you up some alternatives to the food you have selected. It is really eye opening you can even have it warn you if the food you are eating contains GMO Genetically Modified Organisms so you know what might not be all that good for you. When you download it be careful my wife and I ended up scanning almost everything in the house, most of it was good but a few things were quite a surprise. I look at it as knowledge, most of your weight loss results are going to happen in the kitchen and the more educated you are the better the chances you are going to make the right decisions. One of the coaches I work with in my home business just told me they even have a diabetic centered one for those that need it so it really is worth checking out. Check it out and comment on some of the more surprising foods you find. Trust me there is so much we will never figure it all out so why not help each other.


Although I had to go to Boston for a few days last week I have been sticking with my workouts and all has been fine. Today I finished week 7 of Tai Cheng and will have a day off before starting the first set of combos that I am looking forward to. Now that I have finished week 7 I have learned all 18 moves, don't get me wrong I have forgotten some of them as well. The good news is after this phase we will be going through all the moves at once then I just have to decide if I want to get the upgrade DVD to do all 18 moves in a sequence. I am leaning toward that but my change my mind since I just picked up TurboFire while it was on sale but we will see. Once Tai Cheng is over I will be continuing forward with Les Mill's Combat. It is a 60 day MMA based workout and my wife and I are totally excited about it. Should be here in December. You can check out some info on it CLICKING HERE It looks awesome!!! If you want more info on either of these you can EMAIL ME and I will send you more info.

Well that is really it for now, when I get much less foggy and have some more time to come up with a post I will have more for you tomorrow.


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