Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Don't be scared of the Turkey

For those of you that don't know I have the best wife in the world and I am happy to say that. On that not she had a conversation with a friend who is trying to lose weight and is worried about the next month...Aren't we all, but this is what she wrote to help her get through the festivities so I wanted to share it with my readers here!

Enjoy, I could not have written it better myself so I won't even try:

Around this time of year there is always a sense of dread to those who have been eating healthier.  How do I stay on track and still enjoy all the holiday traditions?  Well, we hope to help you out.  We may not answer all of your questions but hey, it's a start.  Every once in a while it is okay to give yourself permission to enjoy those not so healthy foods.  Do it in moderation and watch your portions.  Portion control is a big factor over the holidays.  It is human nature to over indulge.  Then there is the reward mindset, I've worked so hard these last 6 months, I deserve an extra piece of pie.  That can set you back.  But if you have a small slice and get rid of that craving, it is okay.  Try not to overload your plate.  Try not to go back for seconds.  Drink plenty of water.  Water keeps you feeling full!  If you can, make a few items that you know you can eat without worrying.  Or if you are making the whole meal try and "skinny" it and see if any one notices.  There are great recipes out there.  We have included some here, but if you need more checkout or your favorite website for a healthier version.  Pecan pie is always a staple at Thanksgiving whether it gets eaten or not.  Well this year I am making mini pecan phyllo tarts.  There is only 68 calories in each one. Both of those websites have entire sections dedicated to healthy thanksgiving meals right now. More recipes in a minute.  The best suggestion I have though, is if you eat the whole nine yards of everything you wanted, don't beat yourself up and think oh I've ruined my day/month/year, I will just start over at new years.  Remember it was just one meal.  The very next meal you can go back to eating how you were.  The very next day you can start again.  Don't fall into the holiday trap of waiting to start over.  One meal wont hurt you that much.  But dot give up on all your hard work over one meal or one day.  Keep it up.  You have made it this far.  You can continue.  You may even be surprised when the holidays are said and done, you may have continued to lose weight.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  Good luck and stay strong!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

They told me the earth was round

Why do I bring this up, well it is for one reason and one reason only because yet again it seems my schedule has caused me to fall off the planet once more. I tell you I am really trying to make sure I can post here everyday but busy busy. The few times I did have a minute to post I decided to spend time with the family instead because you know what they say, family first. So buckle up it is time to go over what has been going on for a little while.

Better Physical Me

I have still been working out and I have not missed a day yet, I came close this weekend because I was not in the best mood or head space but my workout sitting there taunting me just kept eating away until I did it after I put Haley to bed. I have not done much running (none at all really) since the half marathon but most of it has to do with the fact that I had been hurting from my fall but that is finally getting better so if I have a little time tomorrow I may jump on the treadmill at lunch today. Today was the first day of week 9 for me in Tai Cheng and it was my first pass on the final sequence. I did a lot better than I thought I would and it was my best sequence to date. As a matter of fact after sequence 2 I waited a few days in order to get it but today I did so well that I will be adding the bands tomorrow! Then it is four weeks of sequences and done!!!

Better Husband

I don't know if I have been a better husband but I like to think that I am trying to be. Whitney and I are doing a Sunday school class at church called the five love languages and so far (two of three sessions, we did miss one). It has been really eye opening, not only does it tell me things about myself I didn't know but it is also showing me just how much I was not understanding aspects of myself and how I can take these aspects I already have and make them better. The study comes with DVDs that we watch each week and a book that we are reading, the book is great and I try to read a couple pages of it every morning when I eat breakfast. 

Better Spiritually

We have been going to church each week and really feel connected to this group. Don't get me wrong the last group we went to church with was great but it was one day a week we didn't do any of the small group stuff and we really didn't connect with the pasture. On the other hand this church is much smaller we have gone to a few of the events and are praying for what we are going to do to help the church move forward. All in all it has been great

Better Professionally

Both in my BeachBody business and in my IT work. I went to a server 2012 Boot Camp yesterday and was really impressed with what I saw, I got all my study material for the CISSP camp that I will be doing next month and I am getting the itch to get more certifications again, I just have to find the time for it but I am sure that I will. Coaching is going great as well, I have been assigned a few people to work with and some of them are looking to start coaching as well. I have been on a volume streak and have made some kind of commission each week over the last 7 weeks. I even got my first team bonus and all that did was fire me up more to get even more coaches signed up to help other and get people off up and moving. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yummy Yummy

Today I am going tell you a little something about eating and the way I eat and some of the great meals my wife Whitney makes on the few days that I get to go home and have dinner with the family rather than eat cold left overs sitting in traffic in my car. Trust me happens a lot more often than you think, As a matter of it is normally three times a week I find myself eating out of my car. Yes it is sad but you do what you have to do for family, I have confidence and faith that my Team BeachBody business will take off soon and I can stop teaching!

So here is what we like.

There are several sites that we are fans of, and I can't take the credit for them because Whitney is the one that found them but they are all worth checking out. They are 100% proof that you don't have to eat low flavor boring food to eat healthy, several of the meals are skinny alternatives to what you may already be used to eating. We have had lasagna, cookies, brownies, chicken alfrado, you get the picture. The first one is, I don't know if I am remembering correctly but I seem too think this is one of the first ones we started using. Again don't fact check me here, Whitney found it on FaceBook where they would post meals and when you go to the site it almost overwhelming the amount of choices you have! Another great one we use is Yet another site with great subs of traditional meals that you grew up with, as a matter of fact part of what we are having for dinner tonight is a bread pudding that was originally 600 calories a serving that they were able to bring down to 155...amazing I know. The thing I like about this site is it has more than just meals, it has fitness tips, workouts, all kinds of healthy living tips. We also like using I don't know quite as much about this site but from what I understand it is a collaboration of  several different healthy cooking sources so you get lots of choices there. Whitney also finds a lot of meal using pintrest, this isn't anything that I have ever logged into or signed up for but I know many of the things we found on there have been awesome. Finally, we also have a subscription to Cooking Light magazine and get plenty of ideas there as well. I can go on and on for ever about this but I think that you are getting the point, not know what to eat or saying "I can't cook healthy" is a bunch of crap it can be done you just need to want to do it. As a matter of fact once you start it is easier to healthy than it is to eat the way you have been eating because you have plan. I say check some of these things out an comment here some of the things you have tried and what your favs have been. 

(Forgive the formatting I still can't seem to figure out the reasoning behind why I can't put picture where I want the) 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Important enough to share

For those of you that are FaceBook friends or work with me at BeachBody you have already seen this because I have shared it there. For those of you that do not fall into those groups I came across this little article and feel like I should share it.

Weight Gain When Starting To Exercise

This was written by the woman that does TurboJam, TurboFire, and ChelenExtream. All three are BeachBody programs that you can check out and pick up BY CLICKING HERE. My wife has done TurboJam and we just ordered TurboFire to do after Les Mills Combat. Anyways, enough with the shameless marketing. A quick overview of the article is this.

We are workout of the same reason we want to lose fat and get healthy, so what do we start doing the minute we start exercising and eating right? We all start looking at the scale, because we want to see our hard work pay off and when we bust our humps for a few weeks and the scale goes up we get angry and some people even quit. Well this article tells you why this happens, at the end of the day when you start a new program your body is shocked about what is happening to it and goes into a defensive mode to protect the muscles. That is part of the soreness you feel, part of the defense is retaining more water so that surrounds the muscles and stops further damage. Well that extra water causes your weight to go up and it will normally happen around the 2 week mark but don't worry it is only a short term thing, keep doing what you are doing and you will get back to where you want to be. Rather than listen to the scale listen to the tape measure it will never lie to you.

In a nutshell this is what happens when you start your new program, you lose a few pounds quickly, that is the retained water and junk in your body getting washed out, a few weeks in you might gain a little weight, check the aforementioned blurb above. Then your body will realize that you are keeping it active and making it healthy and things will level out. It is just that simple. In the end it is important to remember that all journeys begin with a first step and there will be detours along the way so don't let one little number (a common thing at that) stop you from going after what you want!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Learn something everyday

Yes, as much as we fight learning as kids I now embrace it and try to learn something new everyday. It can be any number of different things that I might decide to pick up but most of the time it is centered on whatever passion I may have stumbled upon at the time. Right now it is normally fitness and nutrition as you can tell from the first few posts of the new blog.

Little bit different today

Today I am going a little different of a route, if you are going to be a better all around person you need to focus on more than just the physical, there is also the spiritual, and the mental. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that improving the physical you takes diet and exercise. Improving the mental you has more do to with study, reading, volunteer work, etc. (at least in my opinion). To improve spiritually you are looking at spending time with God and with the Bible. This Tuesday, like most Tuesday's that is exactly how I started my day. First of all I started reading the daily "Upper Room" devotionals again, they always have good in site and make you think, and then I went off to bible study. Yep I said it bible study, believe it or not a once former bartender that used to tell people he thought the Bible was the best work of fiction written goes to a men's bible study every Tuesday morning. We have been studying Deuteronomy for quite some time now and today we took a look at chapter 28. Let me tell you it is a long chapter and there is a lot to learn in that one.  First of all the chapter starts pretty happy and up beat, for lack of a better term. It goes over all the blessing you will receive if you follow God's laws and command so woo hoo, happy day. Then it take quite a turn and starts talking about the curses if you decide you don't want to follow the commands. Let me tell you it is a majority of the chapter. Things that are a little hard to read, you will plant food and get nothing from it, you will be defeated by your enemies, and get this, you will be so hungry you will eat your own children. Yep, it says that.....a lot. Bottom line if given the choice between following the laws and command of God and not, I am going with following and I have been trying to do that for a while now, I am not perfect at that but only one person really is and if I need to say who that person is then you might want to join me on Tuesday mornings :-). My upper room reading was good as well this morning it talked about trusting God in all that you do (something I struggle with everyday) and uses an example of a dad swinging his child, it really have me something to think about and pray about. As we grow older we don't want to give up control or trust in others or even God when it comes to getting things done but it seems that every time I have let go of my pride and done just that it has paid off! Perhaps I will learn from it one of these days. 

Until tomorrow.

Update, The pain is almost gone and I am feeling much better, I have a little bit of a lower back thing going on right now but it is more from the way I have been sitting the last two days than anything else so I know once the pain in the rear stops the pain in the back will as well. 


Monday, November 5, 2012

Back after a while

Yes, I know, I know it seems like I am picking this blog up right where I left off the last one. How is that you   ask, with good ideas to help but then no posts. I can assure you that is not the case here there has been a lot going on and I have been out of town for a little while for the passing of my grandfather but now things are back to normal and I can start posting some more again. This post is a little off the cuff and being written while on pain killers so I don't know where it is going to go but I hope you will follow me down the rabbit whole.

Cool app I found

First let me tell you about a cool new phone app I found while I was away. It is called Fooducate and it is a great little app. Here is how it works, it is pretty simple, when you are out shopping or at your house all you have to do is open the app and scan the bar code of the food you are about to buy or eat. The app will then give you the healthy grade of the item and if it is not all that high on the list it will offer you up some alternatives to the food you have selected. It is really eye opening you can even have it warn you if the food you are eating contains GMO Genetically Modified Organisms so you know what might not be all that good for you. When you download it be careful my wife and I ended up scanning almost everything in the house, most of it was good but a few things were quite a surprise. I look at it as knowledge, most of your weight loss results are going to happen in the kitchen and the more educated you are the better the chances you are going to make the right decisions. One of the coaches I work with in my home business just told me they even have a diabetic centered one for those that need it so it really is worth checking out. Check it out and comment on some of the more surprising foods you find. Trust me there is so much we will never figure it all out so why not help each other.


Although I had to go to Boston for a few days last week I have been sticking with my workouts and all has been fine. Today I finished week 7 of Tai Cheng and will have a day off before starting the first set of combos that I am looking forward to. Now that I have finished week 7 I have learned all 18 moves, don't get me wrong I have forgotten some of them as well. The good news is after this phase we will be going through all the moves at once then I just have to decide if I want to get the upgrade DVD to do all 18 moves in a sequence. I am leaning toward that but my change my mind since I just picked up TurboFire while it was on sale but we will see. Once Tai Cheng is over I will be continuing forward with Les Mill's Combat. It is a 60 day MMA based workout and my wife and I are totally excited about it. Should be here in December. You can check out some info on it CLICKING HERE It looks awesome!!! If you want more info on either of these you can EMAIL ME and I will send you more info.

Well that is really it for now, when I get much less foggy and have some more time to come up with a post I will have more for you tomorrow.
