Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yummy Yummy

Today I am going tell you a little something about eating and the way I eat and some of the great meals my wife Whitney makes on the few days that I get to go home and have dinner with the family rather than eat cold left overs sitting in traffic in my car. Trust me happens a lot more often than you think, As a matter of it is normally three times a week I find myself eating out of my car. Yes it is sad but you do what you have to do for family, I have confidence and faith that my Team BeachBody business will take off soon and I can stop teaching!

So here is what we like.

There are several sites that we are fans of, and I can't take the credit for them because Whitney is the one that found them but they are all worth checking out. They are 100% proof that you don't have to eat low flavor boring food to eat healthy, several of the meals are skinny alternatives to what you may already be used to eating. We have had lasagna, cookies, brownies, chicken alfrado, you get the picture. The first one is, I don't know if I am remembering correctly but I seem too think this is one of the first ones we started using. Again don't fact check me here, Whitney found it on FaceBook where they would post meals and when you go to the site it almost overwhelming the amount of choices you have! Another great one we use is Yet another site with great subs of traditional meals that you grew up with, as a matter of fact part of what we are having for dinner tonight is a bread pudding that was originally 600 calories a serving that they were able to bring down to 155...amazing I know. The thing I like about this site is it has more than just meals, it has fitness tips, workouts, all kinds of healthy living tips. We also like using I don't know quite as much about this site but from what I understand it is a collaboration of  several different healthy cooking sources so you get lots of choices there. Whitney also finds a lot of meal using pintrest, this isn't anything that I have ever logged into or signed up for but I know many of the things we found on there have been awesome. Finally, we also have a subscription to Cooking Light magazine and get plenty of ideas there as well. I can go on and on for ever about this but I think that you are getting the point, not know what to eat or saying "I can't cook healthy" is a bunch of crap it can be done you just need to want to do it. As a matter of fact once you start it is easier to healthy than it is to eat the way you have been eating because you have plan. I say check some of these things out an comment here some of the things you have tried and what your favs have been. 

(Forgive the formatting I still can't seem to figure out the reasoning behind why I can't put picture where I want the) 

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