Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Learn something everyday

Yes, as much as we fight learning as kids I now embrace it and try to learn something new everyday. It can be any number of different things that I might decide to pick up but most of the time it is centered on whatever passion I may have stumbled upon at the time. Right now it is normally fitness and nutrition as you can tell from the first few posts of the new blog.

Little bit different today

Today I am going a little different of a route, if you are going to be a better all around person you need to focus on more than just the physical, there is also the spiritual, and the mental. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that improving the physical you takes diet and exercise. Improving the mental you has more do to with study, reading, volunteer work, etc. (at least in my opinion). To improve spiritually you are looking at spending time with God and with the Bible. This Tuesday, like most Tuesday's that is exactly how I started my day. First of all I started reading the daily "Upper Room" devotionals again, they always have good in site and make you think, and then I went off to bible study. Yep I said it bible study, believe it or not a once former bartender that used to tell people he thought the Bible was the best work of fiction written goes to a men's bible study every Tuesday morning. We have been studying Deuteronomy for quite some time now and today we took a look at chapter 28. Let me tell you it is a long chapter and there is a lot to learn in that one.  First of all the chapter starts pretty happy and up beat, for lack of a better term. It goes over all the blessing you will receive if you follow God's laws and command so woo hoo, happy day. Then it take quite a turn and starts talking about the curses if you decide you don't want to follow the commands. Let me tell you it is a majority of the chapter. Things that are a little hard to read, you will plant food and get nothing from it, you will be defeated by your enemies, and get this, you will be so hungry you will eat your own children. Yep, it says that.....a lot. Bottom line if given the choice between following the laws and command of God and not, I am going with following and I have been trying to do that for a while now, I am not perfect at that but only one person really is and if I need to say who that person is then you might want to join me on Tuesday mornings :-). My upper room reading was good as well this morning it talked about trusting God in all that you do (something I struggle with everyday) and uses an example of a dad swinging his child, it really have me something to think about and pray about. As we grow older we don't want to give up control or trust in others or even God when it comes to getting things done but it seems that every time I have let go of my pride and done just that it has paid off! Perhaps I will learn from it one of these days. 

Until tomorrow.

Update, The pain is almost gone and I am feeling much better, I have a little bit of a lower back thing going on right now but it is more from the way I have been sitting the last two days than anything else so I know once the pain in the rear stops the pain in the back will as well. 


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