Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Important enough to share

For those of you that are FaceBook friends or work with me at BeachBody you have already seen this because I have shared it there. For those of you that do not fall into those groups I came across this little article and feel like I should share it.

Weight Gain When Starting To Exercise

This was written by the woman that does TurboJam, TurboFire, and ChelenExtream. All three are BeachBody programs that you can check out and pick up BY CLICKING HERE. My wife has done TurboJam and we just ordered TurboFire to do after Les Mills Combat. Anyways, enough with the shameless marketing. A quick overview of the article is this.

We are workout of the same reason we want to lose fat and get healthy, so what do we start doing the minute we start exercising and eating right? We all start looking at the scale, because we want to see our hard work pay off and when we bust our humps for a few weeks and the scale goes up we get angry and some people even quit. Well this article tells you why this happens, at the end of the day when you start a new program your body is shocked about what is happening to it and goes into a defensive mode to protect the muscles. That is part of the soreness you feel, part of the defense is retaining more water so that surrounds the muscles and stops further damage. Well that extra water causes your weight to go up and it will normally happen around the 2 week mark but don't worry it is only a short term thing, keep doing what you are doing and you will get back to where you want to be. Rather than listen to the scale listen to the tape measure it will never lie to you.

In a nutshell this is what happens when you start your new program, you lose a few pounds quickly, that is the retained water and junk in your body getting washed out, a few weeks in you might gain a little weight, check the aforementioned blurb above. Then your body will realize that you are keeping it active and making it healthy and things will level out. It is just that simple. In the end it is important to remember that all journeys begin with a first step and there will be detours along the way so don't let one little number (a common thing at that) stop you from going after what you want!


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