Take the first steps!
So like I said in earlier posts, the key to becoming a better person and going on any journey is to take small steps, the same holds true for health and fitness. In that idea I challenge my readers to take a first step and this one is an easy one.
Yesterday's Tomorrow is Today
First of all I know we are getting into a time if year where most people just let loose and shove anything they can find into their face. Trust me I do it on some days as well. Like all things keep it in moderation and you should be OK. Be honest on this next question, how many people have gone into the season with the idea of "I am going to enjoy this time eat what I want and my new years 'resolution' will be to lose the weight I gained PLUS get in shape." For those of you that know what I am taking about think back to if you actually did that or if you gave it a go and gave up, kept the weight you put on the previous holiday season and went on with life. Fast forward, new holiday season, new weight gain, new resolution...bigger pants. Let me pose this idea to you Resolutions are CRAP. All it is is an excuse to pick a day to "start" because the new year makes the most sense but thing about this, a Thursday is just as good a start day than new years day. You don't have to go gung ho just get started. That is the spirit of this post, start the trend of changing now, resolutions don't work life changes work, drastic changes are hard (quit smoking cold turkey for example) small changes are easy, small change after small change equals big change, equals results you want!! Think about it, you don't drop ship in a house, you build small parts each day until it is finished and sturdy. Same thing goes for your fitness.
What can you do to start?

Don't be scared, take this challenge it could change your life.
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