Thursday, January 10, 2013

What I did changed my life!

Ok, here we are 10 days into the new year, I know this is going to sound weird but it already seems like it is going by so fast. I can't speak for everyone but I can say that it feels like it has flown because I spent so much time reading and studying that I didn't get to spend the time I wanted to with the family around the holidays. I know, sob, but just like I said in my last post time is gone, and it is time to move forward which is what brings me to my topic today.

As many people know, and most that have been reading this blog or my last blog I started on a difficult journey two years ago. This isn't a new journey it is a journey millions of Americans start on each year and millions of others should but don't. What is the journey you ask, most of you know what is coming.......getting fit. Yep that is right, I am going to bring up the fitness I have found yet again. I am not doing it as a plug or a go and get it, I am doing it to prove a point on how it has changed my life. It does go without saying that losing 125 lbs and 16 inches from you waist does change your life in very obvious ways, I feel better, I sleep better, I have more energy, I look forward to going outside with the family, the list goes on and on. This is not the change that I want to talk about today, the change I want to talk about is how this fitness change changed me on the inside.

When I first decided to get fit, I was not doing it for me, I was doing it for the people around my, most importantly my wife and my daughter. I wanted to make sure I was going to be around for them and at the rate I was going that was not going to happen. I had not been to a doctor in over 10 years because I know what I was going to be told and I did want to hear it. The changes that have made the biggest impact on my life are the changes that have happened to me in the inside. These changes came from making the changes on the outside. No I am not talking about blood pressure and things like that, I am talking about the drive getting fit put in me. What do you mean you ask, let me tell you.

When getting fit and working out you know, or at least you better know, that it is going to be hard and there are going to be set backs. This does not hold true for just working out it hold true in life. Working out gave me a goal and I worked to that goal until I got it. I went after it with a passion. Did I have set backs, yes. Did I get discouraged, yes. Did I have days that I just wanted to quit because the voice in my head told me I couldn't do it, yes. There were even days where I would let that stop me and skip a workout or end early but I would get upset with myself and get right back on the horse. What is the point here,  the point is I set a goal and I went after that goal with all that I had and I got there. Yes I am using my fitness as an example but the can be applied to anything, I decided I was finally going to buckle down and get my CISSP, I made that a goal and trust me I went after that harder than I had gone after anything and guess what, I did that.

I am not trying to puff out my chest and tell everyone how great I am. (I have never felt that way trust me) I am telling you all this to show you that no matter what your goal is, no matter how big that goal is and how far away it may seem you can do it. Let me put some stress on the important part on that and say it again YOU can do it. Yes you, what I am saying here is that setting a goal isn't enough, you can't say this is the year I am going to get in shape or this is the year I am going to get a better job, or this is the year that I am going to get out of debt, and then keep doing things the way you have been for years. Don't think for a minute that doing what you have been doing for years without making changes is going to get you to that goal. You have to get out of your comfort zone, you have to do things that you don't want to do, and get this you have to give up some things and make some real change. It will be hard at first (trust me I know), there will be days that you don't want to do it or that you want to fall back to your old ways but don't let that happen.

Set your goals, go after your goals, make the hard changes, and reap the rewards. Focus on the small victories to keep you going and before you know it you will see your goals get done and you will be amazed at how great it will make you feel.

Hope this helps all of you that made commitments this year...just a little food for thought

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