So as you no doubt read from my Monday post it was a great day and that day carried into Tuesday as well. I went to bed totally excited about winning the December
Beachbody Challenge. I followed up that day by waking up nice and early on Tuesday and did some P90X One on One Yoga and in case you were wondering I am a huge fan of Yoga and it always puts me in a good head space. I know everyone reading most likely knows what yoga is but here is a picture to help you visualize why it puts me in such a great mood. In case you are wondering, I can't do that nor would I ever give it a shot I just did a search for crazy yoga poses and that is what came up. The yoga that I do is pretty hard but nothing like that. I do Bob Harper Yoga Warriors and
P90X Yoga X. Both great yoga workouts and both will totally change your mind about yoga in general, they did me. I never thought I would be one for yoga but it is a great addition to any workout plan. Anyway, I digress...again.

Yesterday I don't know what was going on but by the middle of the day (closer to 10 AM really) I was just in a bad mood, and I was not doing well to keep in until it passed. The reason why I share this is two fold. 1. It shows that everyone is human and we all have days like this. I know I am writing this blog to share my thoughts as I try to become a better person, a journey that should never end in my opinion, but everyone has bad days. It is how we deal with those bad days and how we project those bad days onto others that makes the big difference. Rather than let it pass or find the root of the problem I decided to lash out a little and let the mood affect most of my day. Let me tell you that is not the correct way to deal with being in a bad mood. 2. To let everyone know that this is normal, don't let a bad mood, day, or workout ruin things for you I have plenty to be happy about and most of it came this week. Have there been some down things and am I on a epic streak of not doing well with my Beachbody coaching...yes! Am I going to let that bother me and fester or am I going to see what I can do to fix it and get things going in the right direction. I know the answer for me personally, the trick is to look inside yourself to find what your answer is....be honest.
One last thing and I will be on my way, these have been getting long the last few times! I have been trying to help out a guy I came across on the teambeachbody.com forums. He was complaining that he was not getting the results he wanted doing
INSANITY. He is very confused and does not know what how much or what to eat. He is not following the nutrition guide and doing what he wants, so guess what is problem is. I tried giving him advice but his response every time is negative and he does not want to hear it. I don't know what he has going on in his life and it really isn't my business but it is important to note that his attitude is going to be his downfall. I told him that every interaction he has had with me has been negative and if he goes into his day like that it is what he is going to get out of his day as well. Or in this case his workouts. I wish him the best and hope that he finds his results but some people just don't want to be helped. By the way this little story will most likely be part of a future post soon.
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