Monday, December 31, 2012

Starting off a new

So in the spirit of being better one of my goals (I don't make resolutions) is to make sure I get active on posting again, I have been studying for a test that is a life changer and I am taking it Wednesday morning. Today I did not have all that great a time with the practice exams but will continue to do my best and give it all that I have on Wednesday. After that I am all about this blog again and will shoot for getting it updated three times a week. Make sure you hold me to that if you don't see posts feel free to comment and I will get off my but. Some of the other things I am going to be doing is working much harder at my beachbody business to get people fit, I know this time of year is a time that everyone decided that they are going to get fit, heck I made the same decision two years ago and now I am 125 lbs lighter than I once was and lost 16 inches off my waist line. Trust me if I can do it anyone can so I am here to help people do just that. If anyone wants help getting fit please feel free to contact me and I will help you out. I am also going to work on spending time in the word to make myself a better me. If I pull out some good bits, impossible not to, I will be sure to share them with everyone. Lets make this a great year and anyone that is going to be out tonight be safe, don't do anything stupid and keep the risk away from you and others.


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